
Case Studies

GPS Monitoring for Light Vehicles

What challenges do you face in your work?

Driving and organizing a car fleet is an essential condition for a profitable business. Managing a successful business requires an efficient, well-maintained fleet that reaches destinations during and under the conditions established with customers. Delays affect the quality of services, which can be harmful in a competitive economic environment. From monitoring, to route optimization and communication with drivers, from fuel consumption, to downtime and vehicle maintenance, fleet managers face daily major challenges that they need to have under control.

The Nukah GPS monitoring app is ideal for commercial vehicles, allowing you to keep track of your company’s assets while reducing costs. When your employees are on the road for most of the time, it is essential to know the location of each one, how much time they spend with each client and the routes chosen to carry out the activities.

This offers several advantages that can significantly boost productivity, which means that your business ends up making more money while spending less.

The Nukah GPS solution manages in real time vital information for your business, integrating both tracking technology and data analysis systems. Using the NukahEVO GPS app you will get a complete perspective on all aspects of your fleet management, from real-time monitoringcomprehensive reports to alerts for specific situations or where the rules set by the fleet manager are violated.

Nukah GPS solution for location, tracking and fleet management of LIGHT VEHICLES

Reduce the fuel consumption of your fleet

Reducing fuel consumption is a priority for any fleet manager. Using the Nukah GPS app, you will be able to optimize routes, reduce downtime, as well as prevent unauthorized use of the vehicle. By ensuring that drivers take the best route, you reduce the kilometres travelled and thus decrease their fuel consumption and driving hours.

Monitor employee activity

Employees become much more attentive and effective when they know they are being monitored. If they know that you can generate reports on the speed of travel, the chosen route and the time spent at each client, they will optimize their activity according to the required standards. This will translate into cost reduction and increased productivity.

Schedule routes and customer visits

For many sales companies, the trails change dramatically from day to day. It is rare for companies to have the same schedule every day. This means that the optimal routes will vary greatly from day to day. Using the Nukah GPS platform, you can easily schedule the best routes for all vehicles, so that your work is productive, with minimal consumption of human resources and fuel.

Reduce downtime

Staying with the engine running consumes more fuel than you can imagine. The GPS monitoring system helps drivers avoid traffic jams and find the best route to maximize efficiency and reduce fuel consumption.

Prolonged parking with the engine running is a waste of fuel. By reducing them, the amount of fuel used is also reduced. For some customers, a reduction of up to 25% of the fuel was found by monitoring the downtime.

Simplify maintenance scheduling

You can configure the Nukah GPS App to notify you by email or sms when certain documents of the vehicles in your fleet expire. The documents can include any type of information from technical inspections, insurance, vignettes, etc. By being constantly informed, you will be able to streamline the work of coordinating your fleet and help reduce costs and increase productivity.


Choose the Nukah GPS car monitoring solustion and you will get:

Cost Reduction

  • Reduce fuel costs
  • Reduce maintenance costs

Activity Optimization

  • Resource planning
  • Employee accountability


  • Keeping track of vehicle routes


  • Increase driver safety in traffic and boost a preventative driving style

Reduction of losses

  • Expiration alerts for fleet documents and driving, such revisions, certificates, authorizatios, etc.


  • Script records of deliveries
  • Providing quality services